Border black and tan (Border Terrier)
Border black and tan was went outside the house at the end 18. century in border areas among England and Skotskem.
Border black and tan
Race was went outside the house at the end 18. century in border areas among England and Skotskem. On his formation is said except of an old English black and tan partook and Foxhaund and Otterhound, derive benefit from largely to virgate on fox. Tag racial assign to of the year 1880 and standards was confession in the year 1920, when was found breeder club. Race is largely width in English - speaking lands and in Sweden. Is it working black and tan, because his face and bodily constitution are hereto modification.
At shaping racial growers from aside on aesthetic page, therefore this tiny doggy looks quite plain – his head remind of head otter with short and strong snout part. Height at withers is 25 - 28 cm, weight 5 - 7 kg. Eyes dark meat, quick. Snout nose is black, sometimes used to be and lighter. Ears small, form letters in, banked forward, adjacent to cheeks, pendulous. Tail shorter, near rootage strong, step by step constrictive, attached gayly high up, but isn't bent on back. Hair coarse and dense, with dense base. Colouring: rusty, wheaten, grey, blue with tingle.
In tap has 25 as far as 28 cm.
Dog scales about 5,9 kg.
Bitch scales at intervals 5,1 as far as 6,4 kg.
Coarse and dense, with dense base. Colouring: rusty, wheaten, grey, blue with tingle.
Border black and tan is daring, unobtrusive, but of course sharp, very tenacious and hard. Well - lined energy and courage, nevertheless relatively handy and adaptable. Well adapts rough mountain clime, boldly works and in impassable terrains. Is it agile and hard villain, to action always quickly ready. At home is kind and affable. His breeders must pay much time common active walks.
FCI III. - Terieri.
Branch 1 - Vysokonozi and middle - sized black and tan.
Without working examination.
Border black and tan was went outside the house at the end 18. century in border areas among England and Skotskem.
Border black and tan
Race was went outside the house at the end 18. century in border areas among England and Skotskem. On his formation is said except of an old English black and tan partook and Foxhaund and Otterhound, derive benefit from largely to virgate on fox. Tag racial assign to of the year 1880 and standards was confession in the year 1920, when was found breeder club. Race is largely width in English - speaking lands and in Sweden. Is it working black and tan, because his face and bodily constitution are hereto modification.
At shaping racial growers from aside on aesthetic page, therefore this tiny doggy looks quite plain – his head remind of head otter with short and strong snout part. Height at withers is 25 - 28 cm, weight 5 - 7 kg. Eyes dark meat, quick. Snout nose is black, sometimes used to be and lighter. Ears small, form letters in, banked forward, adjacent to cheeks, pendulous. Tail shorter, near rootage strong, step by step constrictive, attached gayly high up, but isn't bent on back. Hair coarse and dense, with dense base. Colouring: rusty, wheaten, grey, blue with tingle.
In tap has 25 as far as 28 cm.
Dog scales about 5,9 kg.
Bitch scales at intervals 5,1 as far as 6,4 kg.
Coarse and dense, with dense base. Colouring: rusty, wheaten, grey, blue with tingle.
Border black and tan is daring, unobtrusive, but of course sharp, very tenacious and hard. Well - lined energy and courage, nevertheless relatively handy and adaptable. Well adapts rough mountain clime, boldly works and in impassable terrains. Is it agile and hard villain, to action always quickly ready. At home is kind and affable. His breeders must pay much time common active walks.
FCI III. - Terieri.
Branch 1 - Vysokonozi and middle - sized black and tan.
Without working examination.